Stats: 77% of Event Planners Integrate Arts and Culture

According to a new survey from Barbican Business Events, more than three-quarters (77 percent) of the meeting and event planners have incorporated elements of culture and the arts into their conferences or events. One-fifth (20 percent) of respondents went as far to say that they integrate these elements either significantly or completely. These figures highlight the increasing importance of cultural elements in commercial, association, charity and not-for profit conferences and meetings.

Further details from the survey indicate diverse applications of cultural and artistic elements. From the 77 percent who already incorporate culture and the arts:

  • 29 percent have embedded cultural or artistic themes
  • 67 percent have featured cultural or artistic performances
  • 31 percent have run cultural or artistic activities alongside their events
  • 24 percent have utilized arts professionals to enhance creativity
  • 11 percent have engaged arts professionals to improve delivery
  • 24 percent have included arts professionals as guest speakers
  • 31 percent have incorporated workshops involving the arts

The respondents cited multiple benefits for integrating arts and culture including:

  • 61 percent noted an increase in attendee engagement
  • 37 percent aimed to attract a more diverse audience
  • 63 percent believed it enhanced the event’s overall appeal
  • 26 percent found it improved knowledge retention
  • 22 percent used it as a differentiator from competitors
  • 33 percent conveyed specific messages or themes through the arts
  • 56 percent aligned their events with the destination or venue’s cultural aspects

Additionally, 61 percent of respondents observed that including cultural content led to an increase in registrations, with 9 percent noting a significant increase in registrations. Looking ahead, 89 percent of the respondents expect to incorporate arts and culture into their future events, which is a 12 percent rise on those already doing so.

At the Barbican, one example where the arts and culture are immersed into conferences and events are the availability of “Architecture Tours,” which take delegates across the Centre’s Brutalist estate; explore lesser-known nooks and crannies; and visit areas most attendees miss, such as the high-walks, leafy courts and sweeping crescents.

The research was conducted via a survey of corporate, association and agency clients working with the Barbican. The survey received 70 responses: 81 percent were from Europe (48 percent from the U.K.); and the remaining 19 percent were from the rest of the world (14 percent U.S.).

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