Companies Need to Provide More Support for LGBTQIA+ Travelers: Survey

A new survey of North American business travelers sheds light on some of the safety threats and challenges often experienced by employees who identify as LGBTQIA+ community. The survey, commissioned by World Travel Protection, was conducted by Opinium Research from February 1-8, 2024, among 1,000 adults who travel for business at least once a year.

Business travelers are most concerned about visiting regions known to be biased against members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The survey found that 64 percent of business travelers expressed concern about traveling to a region, state or province known to be biased against or to criminalize relationships of people who identify as homosexual or transgender. More than 70 countries criminalize same-sex relationships.

Frank Harrison, regional security director Americas at World Travel Protection, said: “We know these are real and valid fears: Members of the LGBTQIA+ community can face a range of safety concerns when they travel, including harassment, violence, incarceration, and even barriers to medical and security assistance.”

More than half of business travelers surveyed agree that traveling for work as an LGBTQIA+ employee is less safe than traveling as a heterosexual or cisgender person. Incidents of harassment and threats against LGBTQIA+ individuals are increasing, and a 22 percent of business travelers say they have witnessed or experienced harassment due to sexuality. Similarly, 21 percent have seen or experienced people needing to hide their sexuality while traveling for work, likely as a result of safety and security concerns.

Among those surveyed, relatively few (15 percent) reported that their company provides information on LGBTQIA+ rights for the countries they are visiting—either to employees who have disclosed they are LGBTQIA+ or to employees who have not disclosed their sexuality.

“Organizations must recognize the specific risks and concerns that LGBTQIA+ business travelers face and ensure they feel supported and safe,” added Harrison. “When sending LGBTQIA+ employees to parts of the world where their rights are not fully recognized by the host government, there needs to be a plan in place to support them.”

Harrison offered some actionable guidance to companies looking to help keep LGBTQIA+ employees safe while traveling, including:

  • Putting a comprehensive plan in place, and communicate it clearly. This includes providing pre-trip information, noting how to access medical support specific to their needs (especially in places where healthcare could be refused to LGBTQIA+ individuals), and outlining clear protocols for addressing any incidents that may arise.
  • Sharing pre-trip guidance with all employees, not just those who are open about their gender identity or sexual orientation. Don’t assume you know who will need the information—give it to all employees so that those who may not be out at work have the information they need to stay safe.
  • Letting employees decide whether or not to travel. When an employee receives their pre-travel awareness briefing, they may decide it is unsafe for them to travel to a destination, and organizations need to offer and respect that, encourage an open dialogue, and honor their decision.
  • Fostering an inclusive and accepting culture in the workplace. Feeling safe while traveling starts with establishing a respectful and inclusive corporate culture where all employees can bring their whole selves to work.
  • Leaning on travel risk management experts to understand the known risks at every location. Travel risk management companies play an important role in supporting LGBTQIA+ travelers by offering pre-trip intelligence about known risks and resources tailored to their needs.

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